a higher standard for vehicle presentation.

Welcome to your neighborhood’s go to carwash. We are a mobile vehicle cleaning service based in Palmy. Our services are structured around regular care for daily driven vehicles.


Your embarrassed to give rides to anyone outside of your family.

You no longer have the time to take care of it yourself.

Dropping your car off to a shop has become an inconvenience.

Cheap alternatives just don’t meet your expectations.

The lack of cleaning is getting in the way of being able to drive safely.

You no longer feel proud of the car you own.

introducing, wash club.

Wash Club is a basic interior & exterior valet performed on a frequent basis to maintain the presentation of your vehicle and maximize your driving experience.

wants vs. needs

Many years in business has given us the experience to know exactly what is going to make the biggest difference when it comes to cleaning cars. Whilst most inquiry’s are from those looking for a ‘one time’ solution to fix all their problems, the reality is that if you drive your car everyday then you get your car dirty everyday and the longer you leave it the harder it is to clean.

We have created the Wash Club as a solution to having a cleaner car more often.

3 steps to a cleaner vehicle

There is no magic product that makes all your problems go away, If you really want a clean car you need to make a conscious effort.

Step one - cleaning.

Do the basics, do them well, do them frequently. If your cars a daily driver then it also gets dirty daily, its much easier to stay on top things than to let it get out of control. Its simple, for a cleaner car more often, just do a little and often.

Step two - respect.

Set boundaries of how you expect yourself and others to treat your vehicle. Some basics can include; Tapping dirt off shoes before entering a vehicle, no eating or drinking in the car, and always removing rubbish after a drive.

step three - Usage.

Be intentional of when and where you use your vehicle. Sticky tar on a hot day? Gravel roads, yards and worksites? overflowing gutters on a stormy day? These few examples all cause excessive grime and damage.

Manawatu’s authorized installer of quality FEYNLAB Ceramic Coatings.

Not all coatings are created equal… And not everyone needs a coating…

If your considering a ceramic coating the best advice we can offer is to talk to an experienced detailer rather than a salesperson about the suitability for you and your car before making any decisions.


The performance and durability of a coating has little to do with the coating itself, it all starts with the foundation of a well prepared surface for the coating to bond to. Every vehicle with one of our coating applications goes through a thorough exterior detail to remove embedded contaminants and a machine polish to enhance the paintwork. Detailing is what gives you the performance and the coating protects it for years to come.